They seem pretty cool and a great way to encourage people to keep playing. The only problem I see is that it is an exclusive. Now before anyone just accuses me as being a random Halo,Xbot,Old Bungie fanboy, I'd like to point out a couple things.
1. I'm a new customer to Bungie
2. By the time I noticed Halo the Bungie days where gone.
3. I'm not really that much of a fan of Halo( Maybe because I really only played Halo 4 and I disliked it)
4. I have a PC,Wii U, Xbox One, and PS4 and even played a couple older consoles such as PS2. SNES, N64, Gamecube.
Now that those are out of the way let me get to the explanation.
I think that exclusives should not be in Destiny or there should be a month or less time for them. I feel that exclusives just can't happen on Destiny. Why you might ask? Just look at Destiny Community in a nutshell thread( This community fights and bickers over incredibly stupid things from KDR to Grimoire. A lot of the fights I see usually start at someone calling people scrubs over KDR or Grimoire. I normally think exclusives are just a bad idea. Nobody wins in the long run as they feed a vicious cycle. I remember a friend of mine getting harrased over BO2 DLC because he was on Playstation. I see that happen also across all forums in pretty much any gaming community with multi platform exclusives. I feel this wouldn't be a problem if Xbox got a fair share of exclusives. It would give everyone a fair playing field and it would be interesting to see how it would play out. In the end I know Bungie can't or has no interest in this idea, but I feel I should at least give my two cents on this and give people something to think about. Discuss away as long as it is constructive arguments and not just random flaming.
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