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Изменено (BenjyX55): 8/27/2015 3:41:56 PM
I know man. Look at all these reviews: "It's like Destiny but good" - IGN "My doctor prescribed this game as a blood pressure medication because it's one of the few things that doesn't make me angry" - Angry Joe "Black Ops 3 is the perfect combination of the two things gamers want: The exact same thing they've already played, and something completely new." - GameInformer "9/11" - DeeJ "8/8" - M8 "This game is racist." - Al Sharpton "Is Black Ops 3 an instrument?" - Patrick Star "One of the few games that won't turn your children into murderers and rapists" - Fox News "I'm not saying Black Ops 3 has aliens... But it has Aliens" - The History Channel "A fight worth finishing" - Master Chief

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