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Изменено (KitsuneSonow): 9/3/2015 3:22:27 AM

Who's excited about the next Iron Banner?

Yes, all the new possiblities make me excited


No, not worth getting excited over


Not Really a PVP player so can't say


Personally this is the first time I am truly excited about Iron Banner since the first time It was announced and here's why: -Iron Banner is getting it's OWN set of gear, it's not going to be re-skinned vanguard legendaries (the above is the titan set) -The possibilities of Iron Banner Swords and Ghost Shells, as well as artifacts -Iron Banner Side Arms -We may not have to play control in IB anymore. -It won't be dominated by Thorn and TLW (not complaining, they are just everywhere) Those reasons alone actually looking forward to participating in the Next IB and seeing what every class is having offered to them. Edit: From what has been seen so far every class is getting medieval themed armor that is different than vendor gear.

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