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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (dguzma07): 8/24/2015 4:44:44 PM

Best class super ability?

Sup? What is in your opinion the best super in all of destiny? I say nova bomb from warlocks. Loads of damage in one burst. Plus three ways to deliver it. Shatter doesn't give you much range, but it's good for dealing damage in a large area Vortex isn't as widespread as shatter, but you get more range, and it just might be the best version of nova bomb available, (don't forget the additional DOT from the vortex effect) Lance gives nova bomb so much range that gravity doesn't affect it. However the blast radius is also the smallest, and it's actually very easy to miss your shot if you're not accurate. So that's me and my probably biased opinion on why I think nova bombs are the best super ever. So which super do you like the most? Feel free to discuss, debate, whatever you like. Edit: nice, a good bunch of replies. Any of you guys think that the new subclass supers might outclass the current ones in place? I think it's possible. Especially the new sunbreaker Titan subclass. Ranged and melee attacks in a timer? Sounds incredibly powerful by itself. Can't imagine what the other skills will do to it.

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