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Изменено (Thyy Savage): 8/11/2015 2:49:18 PM

So I made a post that was edited by a mod for no reason

It was an AMA like many others. I made it in #Destiny due to it being [b]Destiny related[/b]. Alak-Hul, Darkblade is a new strike boss, and I went ahead and made an AMA post based on him (And changed my name) only to get moved out of #Destiny and into #Offtopic. #Offtopic and the flood aren't very fond of Destiny players either. There are many other AMA's in the #Destiny forum based on Destiny characters, like Toland the Shattered for example, that were not moved like mine. I would just like to know the reason my thread was moved and would like it moved back. I can't even edit it now sadly and if rather not have it die. Can I get some help in this situation? Here is the link to the post that was moved. [url][/url]
#Help #thread

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