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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
8/10/2015 6:16:13 AM

Updates that come along with The Taken King DLC.

Great, I like them.


Should have been part of the game since day one!!!


I feel cheated for paying to beta test this game.


After all the articles I read recently about what will happen to this game with the release of the Taken King DLC I was intrigued. I also started to feel cheated. I am a year one Destiny player, I haven't played for a long time now, and hearing these new things being implemented into the game with this new DLC really pissed me off. I feel like us year one players payed a lot of money to beta test this game and the first few on-disc DLC that's been released. I wouldn't have minded if Bungie delayed this game to implement these new changes so that the game released with them in the first place. I want to know if any of you feel cheated or if some of you are waiting to hop on as year two players, which is smart. What's your take on this? You can look up the articles by yourself and read them, look up multiple sources to get a better understanding of the new changes coming to Destiny.

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