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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
8/2/2015 9:29:25 PM

Story Questions and Findings...

Ok so today I got a bounty to go back into the Black Garden and whenever I got about halfway through I came the room where you have the kill the Decisive Mind to bring down a barrier, that had a wall taken out of it towards the right of the room that I hadn't noticed before and in that room I found a door with a barrier that I couldn't get through, not sure what its about possibly a zone for the next expansion? Also has anyone ever thought of the fact that the location where Crota's Throne room and the Bridge are in Crota's End look a lot like the Black Garden with the green lighting and the red flower petals everywhere? Also if you play through the Black Garden mission you can see a huge canyon beyond the heart and I think that is the Oversoul from the raid. Let me know what you guys think I think that this is really interesting.

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