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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (GrayWo1f3 xim4): 7/26/2015 10:35:01 AM

Must watch... Epic 0-4 comeback!! ToO

So me (T3h_GrayWo1f3) and my mate Rappo000 came up against Crucible Dynasty the other day in trials, I don't know what was wrong with me for the first four rounds as I played completely out of character and got absolutely wrecked. But then! We come back from 0-4 and get 5 straight rounds!!! For those who don't know, Crucible Dynasty is an Australian PvP clan who play extremely well together and definitely should never be underestimated. [spoiler]if anyone wanted to see my stats; And one of them, zarathustra; [/spoiler]

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