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впервые опубликовано в: Do you see yourself here for 10 years?
Изменено (ccSPiTFiRΞ): 7/25/2015 8:55:33 AM
I don't consider myself as a hardcore gamer but besides the 3 HoW exotic weapons, I have all exotic armor & weapons (all maxed out) which took a lot of time, material + glimmer grinding! [spoiler]My total playtime across all x3 characters are 1500+[/spoiler] I will most probably move on to other games if this is the case....just can't see myself repeating the grind year after year....and personally I think they're gonna lose MANY players if that's the case! [spoiler]It happened with the release of TDB expansion[/spoiler] I'm a very big fan of Destiny & enjoy every minute of it...........but I'm gonna wait for all the changes after TTK release & then decide to either stick around or move on to other great titles ( PS4 copies of COD: Advanced Warfare, BF: Hardline & FarCry 4 are still unwrapped in the man cave thanks to Destiny!) [spoiler]I also stopped throwing money at the screen!....for now.....[/spoiler] EDIT 1: VOG, CE raids (which are both part of the so called "Epic Story") & POE will all become silent graveyards! Nice move Bungie!

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