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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (The Classic XI): 8/3/2015 8:55:43 PM


SIGN HERE IF YOU HAVE THE [spoiler][b]BONES OF EAO[/b][/spoiler] by far my most favorite exotic for the hunter, besides the nighthawk! I personally play on the jumper layout and use the jewel of Osiris for the Icarus perk. My build not only allows me to jump for days, but I can also hit my target very accurately. It's the best feeling when a shotgunner rushes me and all I do is spam the jump button while moving back. I guarantee you that you will be surprised by how hard it is for others to kill you!!!! (づ。◕‿◕。)づ hail the bones of EAO Edit: 100 replies guardians!!!! Keep them coming, for there is a new threat in the crucible!!! Edit: 200 replies!!!! [i]*Points at boots*[/i] [b]WHAT ARE THOSE!!!![/b]

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