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Изменено (ltxiv): 7/12/2015 11:21:30 AM

First time I came across cheaters in Trials of Osiris (PS4)

Why would you risk your account getting banned to get to the lighthouse. It's overrated anyways. Edit: Thanks for the bumps guys, really hope bungie sees this!

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  • Bump bump bump x100 Seriously, Trials of Osiris is a [b]competitive[/b] PvP arena where skill (or Thorns, Last Words, & Final Round Snipers ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡° )) are required. Don't have skill to compete? It's not for you then. People that resort to lagswitching, DDOSsing, the rest of it really should just receive [u]permanent[/u] console bans from Destiny. Not just PvP; you can survive without it. They should recognise that if they don't want to play the game properly and fairly, they should just be banned completely because nothing else is going to teach them. They really also don't try and covering it up, do they? Jumping on the gate, trying to stand on each other while you shoot them, not obvious at all, eh? Hopefully the reports have gone through and they've been banned. I'm yet to come across cheaters on this scale in Trials, fingers crossed I don't, but I feel for you and your team. Irritating to watch, can't imagine what it was like in game.

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