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7/11/2015 9:00:24 PM

Selection Circle at Character Selection Screen Lags BAD... sometimes

I just recently purchased a brand new white xbox one, and the digital guardian edition of Destiny. I've been playing for 3 weeks now, hit 33 last night and lucked out in my first PoE run last night, by getting a Red Death. Now... the bad part of the story. Almost daily, when I turn on my xbox and load up Destiny... the circle that the player controls to pick their character LAGS BAD. Like I move it and it takes a second or more to catch up. This latency (if I don't restart my xbox which usually is the fix) follows me into the game, where using a gun becomes almost impossible. Is this an issue with Destiny? The Digital Guardian Download? My brand new xbox one? Any help would greatly be appreciated as I'm probably almost out of the return period for the xbox.

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