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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
7/9/2015 11:02:46 AM

The taken wallet

The real reveal trailer The Taken Wallet DLC Are you ready for the fight of your life, Guardian? You killed Crota and Now Oryx HAS COME FOR YOUR WALLET. - Experience recycled levels, - Old enemies - Broken gameplay. - Unbalanced multiplayer - No dedicated servers. - A RNG system that will make you think that nothing is ever random. - No new vault space to store new weapons. Which weapons will you keep? And how many 100's will you delete? Oryx has come to wreck your wallet, Guardian. BEND OVER AND TAKE IT LIKE A CHAMP! Brought to you by Bungievision! Pre order now, year one guardians get a crappy shader, emblem, and sparrow. And to all the new guardians out there get everything, yes EVERYTHING! for half the price as our loyal community! Also you get cooler preorder bonuses that vanilla players don't.

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