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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Mcomputer): 6/4/2015 3:14:26 AM

Elemental Synthesis?

I was just wondering to myself, "Man. Wouldn't it be great to be able to apply a void burn to my universal remote for minotaurs?" Then, I had a realization! Why not burns synths? Yessir, burn synths. Little guys to pop and apply to your primary weapon EVEN IF IT ALREADY HAS A BURN. The effect would last for 10 minutes and have a cool down of 15 minutes. Yes, you can choose from any of the three burns: solar, arc, or void. Prices? That I'm not so sure about. Maybe 2 motes per synth? We get shit tons of motes, so that seems fair. Let me know what you think below or tell me if this has already been thought of. EDIT: To clear the air, it's adding an element, not a BURN to a kinetic primary. My apologies.

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