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Изменено (timafree): 7/10/2015 4:40:06 PM

So I'm in a pickle.

A really big one. Last year I got into trouble because of weed being a dumb 18 year old I got myself a nice year of probation. Then I became an alcoholic because I was being drug tested. So I had three beers a couple weeks ago and took my friends for a storm chasing cruise (three beers isn't sh*t to me, was still perfectly coherent and capable of driving). And I got into an accident because of hydroplane causing me to lose traction and slid into the oncoming lane, keep in mind that this was a downhill hard turn on a wet surface, near flooding actually. So they tested me and found alcohol in my system and I had court yesterday for an ovi and my attorney comes to me and says bad news kid, they are charging you with two counts aggravated vehicular assault. Those are felony charges. They can only do this because two of the people in the other car were hospitalized. So now because I hydroplaned and totaled my brand new 2014 Chevy Cruze with only 12k miles on it I'm facing felony charges. And my probation officer is threatening me with 10 extra months for being arrested which is a violation of probation. And to top it all off I was suicidal about a week before the accident and was admitted to a psych ward and put on anti depressants. My three loves of this world were driving, my friends, and smoking weed, which I was ok with cause I had a nice car that I was working for and paying for myself with a little money left over to spoil myself on the weekends with. Now all of that is gone, because the government says I can smoke weed which caused me to drink instead which led to an accident. If pot were legal I would've been stoned and driving way slower and probably wouldn't of crashed. EDIT 1: had my preliminary hearing today, things went way better than I could of hoped, officer at the scene was on my side and wants to see me in a program to get help rather than just be punished. So all you f*ckers that say own damn fault and that bs, this is probably gonna be taken off my record altogether, so you can suck my nuts. But to all those that hoped for the best for me, I thank you for the support and keep putting positivity out there for those who need it.

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