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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
7/1/2015 3:56:54 PM

Happy 4th of July PSA and Solidarity

This is a positive post. Trolls and bigots will not be tolerated. Don't feed them just let them fall to bottom as we support each other. This is a post for [b]all[/b] nations [b]all[/b] ethnicities and [b]everyone[/b] out there with pride, humility, and the wish to see freedom enjoyed by all. Happy July for 4th everyone. It's a little early but I'm feeling patriotic and wanted to get this started early. To me July fourth is more than a day we celebrate America with fireworks. It's more than the day we crushed the alien horde with one of the greatest movies speeches of all time unifying this world. It's the day we celebrate freedom and hopefully reduce our abysmal dwi record. Sound off your patriotism. Sound off your solidarity. If you're not from the U.S. Sound off your appreciation for freedom and the pain and sweat that goes into trying to maintain it day after day against even our own. Remember we have fought for this on the battlefield and at home and there are small Heros everywhere. Appreciate your families whether you are spending your weekends with them, Crying over hazy video chats or fighting back the darkness from oceans away with friends and family. Video games can bring us together as much as many think they destroy social interaction so I salute all those that carry their little cousins into the hellmouth for their first nightfall. I salute those that despite splitscreen being a thing of the past set up LAN parties to burn out our retinas together while our grandparents scoff. Remember your veterans around the world and especially your very own neighbors who this is a trying time for both emotionally and physically and be mindful of your fireworks and their affect on the sufferers of PTSD. We are one. One destiny community pushing Forward into the darkness fighting to preserve what we hold dear whether it's in support of or in constant struggle with Bungie. Carry that newb through crota to see his ghost shatter Beneath the light he tried so hard to devour. Don't kick that random who worked as hard as they could be carry their weight with you. Don't kick at rewards for a friend we Are all friends here. Don't open chests in Poe before all the guardians have seen the brimming glory of the treasure room. Leave your lag switches off and take pride in the struggle we all face. Bow to your opponents, wave after a good game, and show this world we in destiny are more than spoiled brats constantly putting each other down. I'll hop off my soapbox for now an I pass the torch to all guardians. Enough hate enough toxicity. Don't post on the forums while on oxy for mono. Unless of course it leads you to get as mushy as I just did. Carry on guardians!

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