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Изменено (DmoTraz): 7/2/2015 3:53:45 PM

So I found this little gem while reminiscing. Disclaimer: I know this dead horse has been beaten but bear with me for just a bit. The creator of the video makes some interesting points but, theres some stuff I focused in on that many may have missed (I even missed them until now). He makes a specific note about the 1 year prior to release video and thats my emphasis as well. -The Thunderlord's description is different, I mean COMPLETELY different...change in lore? -The Warlock is carrying a pulse rifle in the primary slot, and a HAND CANNON in the secondary slot. -When Thunderlord is scrolled over notice the leftover heavy slots available, 4x3 which is 3 weapons more than our current 3x3. -The armed Fallen Vandal guard in the reef...completely missed it until now...was the reef open prior to the House of Wolves story arc originally? -The armed guards in the tower and the view of the city that makes it look like you could walk around, there's strangely very well colored and lit areas in the city below the Traveler that aren't there now...would they take the time to render an unplayable area in that specific of a color pattern? At this point I just want all the original Bungie crew to come forward and admit this game was chopped worse than Halo 2. Most games do not differ that much from E3 to Consumer Copy, look at The Order and Watchdogs...two games that were night and day depth and breadth wise, and yet their E3 demos were actual missions with minor and I do mean MINOR in game adjustments. P.S. I do love Destiny, I play it a LOT, but I always still feel something is off about it, and I'm sure present and ex Bungie employees feel the same. Just some food for thought Guardians. Edit:Must give post visibility.

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