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Изменено (Lunke): 6/24/2015 2:15:51 AM

Vault Space Issue

I'm running out of Vault space. Mostly in Armor and Weapons now. The only duplicate weapon I own is Gjallarhorn (2), the rest, weapons and armor, are 1/1 in my inventories. I find mysef day in and day out now deciding what to move around and what I may have to delete. If you have one of your techs view my profile (and I'm sure I'm not the only one), I have many weapons and armor filled with max experience. As well as original DLC items I wish not to lose for good, since we're on the new system, and they don't appear attainable any longer. Can we PLEASE get more vault space!? Even if it was to make it paged for cache purposes, like the friends list's are. I just hate to think I put a lot of work into building my arsenal, just to have to start deleting them to make way for new items. Anything you can do to rectify this..... If you took the time to read this, thank you!

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