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6/29/2015 11:39:36 PM

Okay, so how the heck do I get famous here?

It's a lot harder than I remember. Threads get blasted to page 3 in less than a minute. Too many gimmicks and role playing threads, no idea how to penetrate this site. Any serious advice from you veteran offtopice users?

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  • First, you have to get an obnoxious username that jumps out from the screen. Then you go over to the Destiny forums where you'll be harvesting most of your followers. Now, here's the tricky part. Think of the dumbest, most inconceivable stupid idea for Destiny, and think about how you'll propose it in a believable way. For example: you could suggest that there should be a separate playlist for men and women. The reason being is that women face so much harassment from male gamers, that they need a playlist where they can feel safe. You can cite sources such as Anita Sarkeesian and Feminist Frequency. Don't break character, don't make it look like bait, make it look like a genuine topic. Another good one would be to have a decibel detector that detects pitch. This is so that little kids are automatically muted as soon as they speak. I imagine that could be a good one. For the first few topics, people will just think you are an idiot. But once they see that a pattern is established, they will be clued in on the game and they will begin to follow you. I earned an average of about 4 followers per day when I practiced this. Good luck Jive!

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