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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (oOsupertaskOo): 6/23/2015 12:27:19 PM

Oryx the taken king has a twin, from another game.

I was scrolling through new posts from those i follow on tumblr. Was very amazed and amused by a post from Thegaminglife, it was about the resemblence between Oryx the taken king, and Black Doom from shadow the hedgehog. So... Is it coincidence? Have not done that much research, but Activision seems to have had a thing or two to do with some of the Sonic releases..? Does not matter much for me, I think TTK will be awsome. Found the resemblence kind of awkward yet funny. Click the spoiler for Oryx twin. [spoiler] /spoiler]

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