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Изменено (Zany Zoe): 6/3/2015 11:23:52 PM

Splatoon > Any CoD game ever

Prove me wrong. I will only listen to you if you claim to have played splatoon, if you haven't played it and say CoD is better then I will take your post as butthurt. EDIT: Call of Duty has lots of squeakers that play it, whose first shooter game was probably CoD. Call of Duty also has voice chat, which [i]can[/i] help but most of the time it's just people cussing into their mics and chewing doritos loudly. Splatoon has no voice chat, which solves the cussing problem, but also causes problems in team communication. There is a chat, though. "C'mon!" and "Booyah!" are enough to make communication work, in my opinion. Also, splatoon is a GREAT game to get into the shooter genre with if you're young.

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