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6/22/2015 5:53:06 AM

I have a suggestion for Destiny going into Year 2

Alright, so my roommate and I were discussing in depth why we stopped playing Destiny. I was talking about how I found it pointless to grind for weapons due to Bungie's ludicrous micromanaging of the weapons we the community worked for, over the cries of a few simpletons who want the game handed to them with no effort. He brought up something in turn: RNG. The fact that the grind through repetitious content was not worth the random crapshoot, especially when you factor in Xur and get down to those last 2-3 Exotic weapons you need. I stopped playing literally two weeks after I got Hawkmoon, so I played HoW a grand total of two times. In fact I am still sitting on 13 Treasure Keys, if I remember correctly. Going into the RNG discussion, my roommate also brought up Final Fantasy 11. [b]Now, I will say that I have NOT played this game personally.[/b] However, one thing that he did bring up to me that sparked this post was how you progressed to obtain weapons and armor. He talked about how you went out to earn materials not to upgrade the base weapon, but rather to [b]build the weapon from the ground up.[/b] What if, instead of going into Raids to possibly get an Exotic weapon, instead you could gather materials for building an Exotic weapon? Let's take the Gjallarhorn for example. You know those random, pointless Scavenger beacons in the world? Let's say those parts can go toward building a Legendary Rocket Launcher. Then, you go on X strike, or complete Y bounty to gain more parts. Take these parts to the Gunsmith, and he forges them into this Rocket Launcher. Then, you go and complete, say, a Nightfall, or a Raid, maybe into PvP, to eventually upgrade to the Gjallarhorn. At least with this type of system, you'll feel as though you actually EARNED that Exotic weapon, as opposed to the guy you happened to be carrying through the Raid getting all of the good stuff while you get nothing. A system like this could also go a LONG WAY toward balancing the game inadvertently, in that you actually have to put [b]REAL WORK[/b] into earning the weapons, and they will actually be a mark of skill and tenacity when a player is seen with said weapon. Not all players will find the grind worth it. of course, you'll still have those players who will gripe about so-called "balance" no matter what you do, but this will give them virtually no ground to stand on. The other thing that should be said is that the Exotic weapons should be worth grinding for. The other big reason I stopped playing was because none of the new Exotics, IMO, weren't worth digging for. Now, since I have never actually played a game with such a system (and because my memory for conversation is terrible), perhaps we could get people to lend to the discussion/potential building of such a system? It could go far in extending Destiny's longevity, especially if we did this with both Exotic Weapons AND Armor.

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