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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
5/26/2015 1:24:44 AM

Realy? I cant believe the dumb stuff you guys pull...

Hey bungie, Im Griff and I seam to run into EVRY problem you put into this game... EVER PROBLEM! Guss what it is now, no not the error codes, or even just getting my first non-helmet drop from VoG sence game launch 2 weeks ago, no, today Im calling out your *blam!*-ing attempt at boosting play time by wasting mine!! I love the trials of Osiris, but I realy hate being re-paired agensed the team that kick our *Blams* the game before 1 to 5. That's a bet dumb don't you agree? I know your going to say: "its random we cant help that."; surly you arnt serious... thee Bungie cant figure something so trivial as making it so that each team your paired agenced isn't the same as the last one.... chew on dat. Also, hey, love the arena, its realy cool, I don't mind the rumored 44% health boost to all bosses, but you realy crossed the *Blaming!* line when you wasted 4-5 Houres of my life, 4-5 houres of MY LIFE! How did you waste that much time of my life you ask? by trying to hard to make money over good play time of corse duhhhh just like everyother flaw in this game, intentional or not! I and my team went to lvl 35 arena, hey it was realy easy, until the boss... whats that we all need Galajlahorn you say!? well guss what I don't have one! I have played hundreds of Houres of this darn game and not once! not once! had I gotten a galahorn, heck, 5 icebreakers but no galahorn! So, I gave this stupid boss 4 or 5 houres of my life today trying to beat him, my team all of us lvl 34s, and 2 of them had full lvled galahorns, but no not me, I had a hunger of crota, of corse not 365 you wana know why?! Doubt you care but im going to tell you anyhow, Earlier in the week I did the lvl 34 with my two buddies, and ge to the boss, but hey I forgot my treasure key so I ran to the vaults and grabbed it, and tried to rejoin the team in the arena, well guss whos SOL, that's right me! I couldn't rejoin because they were close to finishing... I WAS CLOSE TO FINISHING TOO YA KNOW! SO no etheric light for me. That's not the kicker! The kicker is, we did the lvl 35 boss some 20 times, for 4 or 5 houres and one time we killed him with 2 galahorns, and a hunger of crota, but then get this, the mines had only 5 seconds left. So tell me this, how am I a lvl 34 sapost to kill the lvl 35 boss without a galhorn, and if u keep me out of my own game to get a rocket launcher on par with galahorn? no answer huh? didn't think so. You not only wasted my time but my 2 buddies friends time, and a thorough "Blam!"-ing from them to me on why im a worthless player without the galahorn! Granted its not your fault as to why im running with jerks, but it is ur fault that I couldn't join MY game to get the etheric light to upgrade my hunger of crota. Please forgives my atrocice spelling im extreamly erritated and don't care right this moment!

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