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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (xIXEROHOURIx): 4/28/2015 10:25:33 AM

Petition to have American gun skin for Gjallarhorn

Yes, bring on the stars and bars!


Nope, I'm not an American


Sure, if they add other country skins


I'm not American but HELL YEAH!


Clearly this fine weapon exemplifies American military might and I feel that it should be honored by having a US flag themed skin for it in HoW. What do you think? [b] EDIT:[/b] added the satire tag because obviously people are too dense to get I was joking without the stupid tag. I didn't put it on in the first place because I figured people were smart enough to realize that there's no way in hell someone would SERIOUSLY suggest that, IT'S A NORSE WEAPON FFS, why in the world would it be red, white, and blue?!

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