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Изменено (MEGAGOD3): 5/15/2015 10:20:59 PM

So I just got the Thorn.....

HOLY RAHOOL'S FLOATING ORBS OF GLIMMER! I feel like I've just crossed over to the dark side, since I've always been on the receiving end of Thorn and The Last Word. My child-guardian innocence is finally lost, and I now shall sweep forward bearing what I used to hate the most. (Aside from the Crucible's lag in general) Edit 1: For those that don't know how to do the PVP section, have the three drop rule. If you die three times in a row without scoring a kill with a void gun, quit the game, wait a bit, then join another queue. Edit 2: Did a control match with non-upgraded thorn, 17 kills 3 deaths..... Oh how I filled Twilight Gap with the salty tears of tiny-baby-men!

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