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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
5/14/2015 11:42:21 PM

Newsflash: Ghorn blamed for domestic disturbance

Australia, 15 May 2015, 11:56pm Police were called to the scene of an alleged domestic disturbance last night in Queensland, Australia. According to eye witnesses, a male in his 40's was heard yelling uncontrollably at approximately 11:45pm, waking neighbours and resulting in local security having to be called. Whilst police have declined to comment, a neighbour of the man was able to shed some light on the incident. "We were fast asleep when we heard this almighty Whoop Whoop sound coming from across the road. At first we thought there might have been a party going on but then we just kept hearing the same word repeated over and over again: GJALLAHORN, GJALLAHORN, GJALLAHORN. It was really quite scary. The neighbour (who did not want to be named) went on to say "We have known the family for some time now and lately the father has been quite distant. We never see him anymore and when we do try and say hello, he just mumbles and says strange things like 'grind' and 'Crota', whatever that means. Last week when I told him that my wife was sick in bed I could have sworn he said something like 'Well, at least it's chained up'." At this stage, the man has not been charged although there is speculation that police will recommend a psychological evaluation be carried out. Edit: OK, I admit that much of the above is stretching the truth slightly. Yes, I finally got my second Ghorn last night after 6 months of grinding and yes it was just as exciting as getting the first drop in week 4. I did wake up the dog, probably alienated my Fireteam and certainly received a Guardian Down from the wife. Just thought I would share.

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