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Изменено (MinieMe10): 5/9/2015 12:31:48 AM

All Girl Clan?

Hey looking to join or start an all girl clan. I'm on ps4 & I'm sick of guys being pervs. I'd like to have one by the time the new DLC is out. So just HMU thanks! :) ** Since some guys are gettin offended let me say why: In just 1 week 3 different ex- PS friends of mine had sent me porn links for no reason, & constantly sent me msgs asking my age & real name etc. *** *** WOW had to edit this just to say to all the BOYS out there who are being disrespectful. I didn't put any specific names out there so calm TF down no one is referring to you. No need to announce you're "not one of them."***

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