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2/4/2015 3:16:40 AM

My Idea for Vex Void

I was browsing lore and the grimoire yesterday and generally noticing how the vex are named after Greek mythology. Now what if the vex void raid stayed with that theme? Now here is where my idea comes in. It is essentially a massive extension to the VoG. After killing Atheon , you must use the aegis to form a bridge to the little cave far away from the glass throne. NOTE: this is all based off of the odyssey. Once you go through the cave you enter the vex void. It is like the black garden, but darker and less moss. You must fight your way to the first encounter. THE CYCLOPES. There are 3 Cyclopes, arranged in a triangle in a massive cave with various rocks taller than the player. Being visible by cyclops causes a debuff called 'Cyclopes watch' stackable 3 times that reduces attack damage to 0. A cyclops can only have watch on 5 players at a time leaving one left. To damage a cyclops all of the players must make themselves visible while one does damage. The players must arrange themselves so they are only seen by one cyclops. After killing all of them the aegis reappears this time the 'clean' is replaced with a forward facing shield like a bigger juggernaut perk for the Titan. This also reveals the way forward over a cliff, leading to the next encounter. THE WITCH. The next encounter is the witch encounter. The area is mainly a large plateau in a U shape, with stairs leading up from where the players spawn. This room is filled with shielded harpies. In the middle there is another invincible shielded harpie with the title 'wicked harpie' the players must kill the first wave of harpies and then run to a ring and then the shield will go down for 15 and a detain comes up too. Another wave of harpies and another ring comes up. Repeat. Once again the aegis reappears and the way forward must be found. NO ENCOUNTER JUST EXOTIC CHEST THEN the players run to the next encounter DEVOURING MIND Devouring Mind is a 5 headed hydra playing the typical hydra role in Greek mythology. You can only damage the heads and once a head is destroyed, 2 more grow. The only way to kill it is to use aegis with the head of the wicked harpie on it. (This will require running back to get the aegis and the head) once the aegis is retrieved the hydra does not regenerate 2 heads, not it just replaces the destroyed one with one other. Now once it's health is down, it stays down and the hydra dies as such. The aegis is kept and the path forward found. SIRENS CAVE. The sirens cave is just like it's equivalent. There are 7 gates. Passing through the incorrect one will drop and exotic weapon that is 'cursed' equipping or deleting such will kill the player. The correct gate will not reward the player but make them kill a siren. Just like ir yût but instead the siren's song makes the player see the siren as a player and a player as a siren. PLAYERS CAN KILL OTHER PLAYERS HERE. Once the siren is killed, the players continue foreward to the last encounter. MAELSTROM. The maelstrom is a large stairway heavily populated with vex. The players must ascend. During such the screen will be violently shaking and becomes increasingly worse. When the final set of stairs are reached, the 5 strongest players are killed leaving the weakest left to kill the CONFLUX GUARD. It is a larger Minotaur. Once it is killed all players are revived and head through the portal out of the vex void. The end. I HOPE BUNGIE SEES THIS, ENJOY

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