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5/2/2015 10:18:57 AM

Looking for a clan (PS4)

Add me on PS4 only, username is kaillict. All 3 classes, hunter almost 30, rest are 30 and climbing thanks to my usual good luck with gear. Crota level weaponry, Ghallahorn, Vex -blam!-gun, so on. Former VoG expert, lead a clan that cleared it weekly shortly after the first official clear recorded. Not sure what our ranking was. Plenty of Crota experience, though I ended up quitting destiny for a few months prior to officially beating it (the raid was way to easy and i suffered massive disappointment in bungie) Highly active, from 7ish am to 9am, then again from about 4pm to 9pm, all cst. I'm generally on all day and night on Tuesdays and Wednesday, those are my days off. I'm skilled when I try, but I mostly play for kicks and whatnot. looking for a raid and crucible clan that can meet these times, I do not want to be a standby player or a fill in. Message if interested, either here or on psn. I prefer psn.

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