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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Poeghostz): 5/1/2015 3:30:05 AM

Please disable fireteams of 4+ so I don't have to keep quitting games before they start

Win a game as a solo player against a pre-made team of 4+? Not a chance. Remove this garbage so us solo players can actually have a semi-decent time playing Iron Banner. Final comment: Clearly my opinion on the matter of solo players vs pre-made teams is the minority around here. While it's not as fun fighting pre-mades, I'll do as most suggest and "suck it up". Good luck in the rest of your Iron Banner and hopefully I [i]won't[/i] meet your teams in battle ^^ Guardian out. [b]Fine, I understand that playing with a bunch of friends is more fun. How about this: they shove you larger teams in matchmaking for an extra 5 or so minutes on top of basic matchmaking to give a better chance of finding other pre-made teams to fight. If after all that time they still can't match you with another similar sized team (with few randoms; being solo on a team of 4+ against a team of 4+ is fine), then match you with randoms.[/b] Good for you people. You beat [i]one[/i] pre-made team. I've beaten pre-made teams before. Doesn't make it any easier. If getting annoyed at having to vs coordinated, communicative teams with my team of unreliable, A capping, triple capping "special" guardians is a crime; sue me. Just curious: anyone who disagrees [b]not[/b] use a fireteam of 4+ in Iron Banner? (In other words, do you solo Iron Banner often to actually see it from my point of view. I've seen the other side: it's really unfair on randoms)

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  • Look at it as a challenge. Even if I don't beat a team of four I like to at least out score them. I play crucible with a group of friends as much as I do solo and rarely do we have a full fire team, but I know both sides of this argument. Man up and play the game. The only way to get better is to play people who are better and who coordinate better. It makes me strive to be better and a lot of the time I get put in my place, but I don't quit. I'd rather be a loser than a quitter. Not only that but the people who back down from a challenge are the ones that ruin crucible more than fire teams of four or more. It absolutely sucks to be short a couple people because the other team is better. Everyone loses from time to time Guardian, its how we handle defeat that makes us who we are. Some strive to make sure that doesn't happen again and some hide in the corner. Which are you?

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