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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
4/22/2015 12:33:52 AM

Is anyone else pissed off at the Gunsmith??

I always keep at minimum 10,000 glimmer on my Guardians at all times. Just in case the Gunsmith shows up selling Rare Fusion Rifles. I need 6 more. Haven't gotten one from Engram in weeks. And I have scoured YouTube and Google looking for the price. I was under the impression they were 1,600 Glimmer. They finally hit today at 4pm. Come to find out they were 2,170 Glimmer. I was more then pissed off. Yes, if I was home I could have jus ran to Earth and got some more but I didn't get off work till 630 pm and I ran home hoping to buy 6 of them by 7 pm and start my 200 kills. But I was only able to buy 5 after having jus 9 min to run down to Earth, pop a Black Wax Idol and farm those 3 yellow Hive Majors and get enough for my 5th Rifle. I'm pissed. Is anyone else...??

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