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Сегодня Destiny 2 будет временно недоступна сегодня в связи с плановым техобслуживанием. Следите за новостями @BungieHelp.


Общее обсуждение Destiny.
4/18/2015 10:52:20 PM

Best/Worst Rewards of This Week

This topic will be for people to share their from activities such as Nightfalls, Raids, Crucibles and strikes. We will stick to legendaries and exotics because they are the key to this this topic (no offence to the Khvostov). I will give a personal example of what I got this week: VOG Normal: Shards and Energy VOG Hard: Shards and energy Nightfall: No Land Beyond (i cri evrytiem) Legendary engrams: Titan gear (although I'm a hunter) What did you guys get leave your comment below! 👍✌👊

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