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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
4/15/2015 6:22:21 PM

Warlock Order: Order of Twilight

The Order of Twilight is a new Order of Warlocks led by an up and coming warlock known as "The Lion of Ishtar." Unlike many Orders, The Order of Twilight is unconcerned with philosophy. It is enough for them to defend humanity, in all it's forms, from the Darkness. However, the Order believes that to defend against an enemy, that enemy must be understood; But how can one understand the Darkness? The Order of Twilight believes that the key to understanding the Darkness is to understand the Light. Solar, Arc, and Void energies are wielded by Guardians through the application of the Traveler's Light. However, those same energies are also wielded by our enemies, but using Darkness to power them. It is through this fact that the Order of Twilight proposes that the Traveler and the Darkness are not simply philosophically opposed, but also fundamentally and physically opposed. With this rule in mind, we can use our ever expanding knowledge of the Light and the Traveler to make educated assumptions about the Darkness. Assumptions that may save us from a second Collapse, or worse, extinction. Join us in learning all we can of the Traveler and its methods, so that one day we may understand the Nature of the Darkness. Join us, that we might retake not only our star, but all the stars where worlds have been devoured by the Darkness. Good luck, Guardians.

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