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4/15/2015 1:04:28 AM

T-shirts for a good cause

Hi everyone... I'm Axis. I haven't been here as long as many of you but I have been here long enough to see this community do some pretty great things, and I'm asking if you could just do one more. For a high school project i've decided to raise money for the Eracism Foundation, an organization that works to end racial discrimination in the United States. The way I'm raising money for this great foundation is by selling t-shirts. I have created my own custom design to sell for $15 each. The shirts come in all sizes so no one is left out. If you don't want to buy a t-shirt but still want to support the cause just share the link on facebook or any social media site for that matter. Now I understand that I might be asking for a lot here, but please all I ask is that you consider it, and if you decide to support the cause in any way I am truly grateful. thank you for taking your time to read this. sincerely, Axis If you want to know where your money is going or want to learn more about The Eracism Foundation visit: [url][/url]

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