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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
4/7/2015 6:35:33 AM

Destiny DLC update and requests

Attention all guardians, It has come to my attention that there is a lot of confusion on the up an coming new dlc, The House of Vex. There is no need to worry as I will clear it all up for you. The new dlc will contain not one but two negative Atheons in its strike. Along with it there will be a hidden rare chest under Crotas left hobgoblin that can only be acquired by defeating omnigul on the eye of the gate lord mission on Pluto. Oh and for those pvp fans the new dlc has something just for you; a new weapon. This new weapon is much like the necrocasm as its name is the necrogasm but unlike its OP cousin the swordbearer this weapon will do frost damage. So far these are all the updates for the up coming dlc but now let's go through some of the top requests for the new dlc by none other than Obama himself. -Make the new raid have no exotic chests as it gives noobs the chance for an "unearned exotic". -Make it so the gjallahorn is worthless and the frost damage weapons are best. -Replace vanguard bounties with the queens reef bounties as they are better and more efficient to do. Please if you have any comments or concerns feel free to share them with the community below.

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