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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
4/5/2015 5:59:49 PM

Can anyone direct me to the changes made to the cryptarch?

So after putting off playing destiny for quite some time, I decided to jump back in with a couple friends I knew in the service. I grab my weekly strange coins and my chance at some exotics, but generally don't overplay like I did back in alpha, beta, and day 1. Over the past 2 days I have received 3 exotics, LBN from the nightfall was a nice surprise but still I expected an exotic. It was when I turned in a blue special engram and received Time and Patience that I was surprised, and later when leveling up the crypt arch I got Plan C from a legendary engram. Why the sudden change in luck? Can someone show me the numbers on the possibility of this? P.S. I'm sorry to my friends for getting stuck on he nexus, not contributing, and getting the only exotic.

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