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впервые опубликовано в:Destiny Ladies
Изменено (vikkimmbop): 10/25/2014 5:40:37 PM

Women Wanted! Girl Gamers Clan!

CALLING ALL THE 'DESTINY LADIES'! Come One Come Alll! I have created a clan for all the Female Gamers out there who want to meet and game with other female gamers (Wooh) this Clan is for all the gaming platforms just search in groups for 'Destiny Ladies' and ask to join! All the gaming platforms are running an active part of the Clan, so if you Join 'Destiny Ladies' will appear in your player bar proudly advertising you are one of us! Rahhh! To request to join 'Our Band of Merry Women!' see below! If you are searching on the App hit the icon on the home page in the top left hand corner (looks a bit like a credit card) then use the search icon (magnifying glass) and search 'Destiny Ladies' should show up in the group section (I chose the only pink pick available) If your online just follow the link: [] We don't need a dick to have balls!

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  • Hey y'all, Makgadigadi here. I just started a clan today (The Eta Aquariids) with my friend hempman90, and one of our primary philosophies is equality. As you may know, the gaming industry is tragically dominated by guys where women are underrepresented and so far as to being harasshed and repressed. Read this, it's an interesting blog post by a female gamer: Anyway, I'd like to combat this stupid inequality and bring forth the women even more. As one of the criteria in our clan, we're striving for an equal quota between men and women. So, girls, if any of you think our clan suits you, where we want to emphasize equality, then please message either me (Makgadigadi) or hempman90. Age limit is 20+ for membership. Best Marios

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