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Изменено (CarelessRook117): 3/25/2015 10:09:25 AM

Why do I do this to myself?

And yet another melodramatic rant comes forth from the bowls of my post pubescent psyche to plague all of you folks at #Offtopic. I hope you're ready because I'm gonna start complaining about stuff I've already brought up before!! Aren't I just a wonderful person?. I made the fatal mistake of venturing into the swampy territory of Mr Croshaw again and found the bog to be even stickier than last time. Except this time, I had a revelation. Why the flying -blam!- do I do this to myself? I HATE Zero Punctuation Then why the hell do I keep coming back to it like an abused stepchild with Stockholm syndrome? Naturally my life is still in it's usual state of ceaseless disrepair with my grades so deep in the toilet that they've made it to the ocean and my parents threatening to close all of my access to videogames just in time for my birthday in a couple weeks. Not to mention From Software giving me and the rest of their Xbox and PC fanbases the finger and making Bloodborne a PS4 exclusive. But that's a different story. Zero Punctuation isn't the only source of grief that I keep flying back to like a firefly towards a bug zapper labeled "Insecurity," Basically every other Youtube game reviewer falls into this category even if I like them. Hell, even probably qualifies as this Soon I will learn that the world is not particularly fond of people like me and will have to sit and watch as it kicks my hopes and dreams to death with a steel toed boot, But until then, I continue to ask myself: Why do I keep doing this shit to myself? Am I insane? Masochistic? Or just a moron? If you managed to read through the entirety of this I am incredibly sorry for wasting your valuable time with my pessimistic ranting.

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