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Изменено (Metro): 3/18/2015 4:48:19 PM

We are HERO UNIT - Play solo because you want to … not because you have to. [PS4/3]

Find help when you need it Give help when you can Play when you want Laugh with your ClanMates Sling Curses (and bullets) at Crota Repeat We are mature players who have real lives, real jobs, and still manage to spend active time with our favorite game. HERO UNIT admins are experienced at all aspects of the game, and run multiple raids, nightfalls and weeklies to help make sure everyone who wants a run gets one. If you’ve never done a raid, never made it through a nightfall, never spent quality time with a knowledgeable, low pressure fire team, HERO UNIT will help you out: you can pay back by providing help to other ClanMates in need. If you’re an experienced player tired of spending endless amounts of time looking for random players to run with, tired of having to force yourself to play with less-than-enjoyable fire teams, HERO UNIT has a place for you. · No level requirements to join – though we are actively seeking players with at least 1 Guardian at level 24 or higher. · No gear requirements. Play what you have. Play what you like. · HERO UNIT covers multiple time zones in North America and Europe – we are actively seeking players in the GMT to help facilitate our European Brothers and Sisters’ with organizing and participating in runs of all types. · No time requirements. We all have lives and jobs, too. Not everyone can play all the time. · We run multiple raids and strikes each week to make sure that everyone who wants to make those runs has the opportunity. · HAVE FUN. This is a GAME! We LOVE it. · We communicate through our clan forum – raid and strike team set up, discussion, help, requests all happen there. We are COMMITTED to the following: · A safe, fun, relaxing environment for all of our members. · Recognition that life happens. Not everyone can play all the time. Play when you’re able. · A community that invites and encourages participation in teaching, learning, discussing and playing this amazing game. · Help. Help. Help. We dedicate ourselves to helping our ClanMates. Read a post and go help someone who can’t get past this week’s nightfall. You’ll make a friend. You’ll learn something new. You’ll laugh. And next week, when you need someone to run with because your schedule is crazy – someone will be there for you. · Fun. We can’t repeat it enough. If HERO UNIT sounds like the type of group you want to be a part of message MetroRyushi, or apply via the clan page.

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