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3/15/2015 5:52:12 AM

Biscuit Story

[spoiler]Before we start, I want to say, I didn't write this. A friend of mine, Mr. Kay did because I'd always bug him and ask "Where's the Biscuit". That being said, Enjoy.[/spoiler] It was Saturday night, can't remember what, but things had happened. I was walking the streets in the dark with nothing but a jar of fire flies to light my way. I needed somewhere to go, something to eat, or else I would die of hunger. The first establishment I came across was the beautiful Golden Arches. I begged for a hamburger, a nugget, finally, desperate enough, a single French Fry. They rejected me and sent me on my way again. Second place I came to was an Olive Garden. Unlimited soup salad and breadsticks! Surely they could give me something! I walked up to the building, the smell of delicious breadsticks wafting through the air. I could taste the salad in my mouth as I approached, they were extending the breadsticks towards me. I reached out to take one, but the hostess just began beating me with it. I quickly got the message, gathered my jar of fire flies, and went on my way. The next place I came to was fancy, so fancy I couldn't even pronounce the name. I knew it was a long shot, but it was the only shot I had. I stumbled through the door… …into the arms of the biggest man gorilla you had ever seen. He kicked me out, smashing the jar of fire flies. As my only light source dispersed, so did my hope. I tripped into the darkness once more. Hopeless and nearly dead, I stumbled through the dark. I tripped and fell on a short flight of stairs. I looked up and could barely make out a porch, a door, even though it wasn't even five feet in front of me. I regained a final burst of energy, and I barreled through the unlocked door. Now sprawled out on the ground, I looked up in front of me, down a dimly lit hallway, and into the kitchen. My energy reserves almost empty now I ran into the kitchen, leaning on the counter to stabilize me. On the counter were two things, a buttery, golden brown biscuit, still miraculously warm and steaming, sitting on a pristine white napkin. The other item was a photograph, a photograph of the pokemon Serperior and BioSmiley, but I only had eyes for the biscuit. I carefully grasped it, lifting it delicately to my mouth, smelling the pastry. This was heaven. I meant to savor it, eat it slowly and enjoy every bite, but I didn't. I ate the entire thing in 1.82 seconds, leaving nothing behind, not even a crumb. Now well nourished I finally saw the picture. I delicately picked it up, hands shaking. The shaking became violent and I dropped the picture, it shattering into a thousand crystals. I heard stirring upstairs in the bedroom, two people talking and getting up. Ashamed of what I had done, I ran out of the house before anyone could catch me in the act. I dived into a car, not caring what happened anymore. Dawn was breaking when the car finally stopped. I climbed out and yelled to the cabbie "Yo Holmes, smell ya later". I looked at my kingdom, I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air.

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  • I feel the scene with the biscuit can be expanded upon. Here's my contribution. [spoiler] Bio the Baker was my favorite person in the village. Every time I would go to his shop, he would treat me to one of his special pastries. Today when I walked in, he had a surprise in store; in his hand, he held a massive biscuit, easily a foot long. He beckoned me closer, my heart beginning to pound with excitement. Could this be happening? Bio grinned, and told me to open my mouth. It was happening. The greatest day of my life... My breathing quickened as Bio slid his warm, flaky biscuit into my mouth. I closed my eyes and rolled my tongue around the exterior, savoring the buttery taste of his hot, steaming biscuit as it slid in and out of my willing mouth. Bio slowly pushed more of the pastry into me, making me gasp at the pleasure of such a delicious morsel being placed into my body. I wanted it to end, to bite down and swallow all of the pastry's delicious flavor, but at the same time, I wanted to savor its taste for as long as I could. Bio began to speed up his thrusts, the excitement he felt as he watched me eat the biscuit almost equal to my own. The biscuit was large, its round body barely able to fit inside my mouth, but to spill any bit of this delicious treat would be inexcusable. The pastry slid further in, my gag reflex almost activating as it hit the back of my throat. "Please Bio, let me swallow..." I moaned through the mouthful of delicious pastry. His only response was to roll the pastry in my mouth, making me gasp as the full flavor of the treat hit me again. I couldn't stand it anymore; I grabbed the pastry from Bio's hand and took my first bite, the cream filling bursting into my mouth and sliding down my throat to join the now swallowed pastry. I finished the rest of the treat, without spilling a single drop or crumb, the flavors washing over me and filling me with warmth. "Did you enjoy it?" Bio asked, his wide grin already expecting the answer I'd give. I breathed back, "That was the greatest experience of my life. Do you have some more?" The grin became wider, and I felt myself growing excited once more as the answer was made clear. "I have all the biscuits in the world. Come in the kitchen and I'll give you some more..."[/spoiler]

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