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Изменено (Naruto Lightning): 3/12/2015 8:16:42 PM

New Sparrow's For Nightfall/Raid Set.

Speed Chart 1-5 = evo-tumbler 5-10 = vanguard 10-15 = raid sparrow 15-20=Faster than raid, Boost would be like overdrive always on and overdrive would be faster [b]VoidFall[/b] [b]Description:[/b] [I]One Void Powered Drive makes this sparrow seem sleek and fast like lightning...[/I] Speed: 16 Durabiity: 120 Perks: Overdrive, Strafe, Overdrive Other Perks: Overdrive does not blow sparrow up until after 30 seconds of holding it down Stability: Normal [b]Flamin Dragon[/b] [b]Description:[/b] [I]Last guardian out ran a dragon with this....[/I] Speed: 16 Durabiity: 120 Perks: Overdrive, Strafe, Overdrive Other Perks: Overdrive does not blow sparrow up until after 30 seconds of holding it down Stability: Normal [b]"The Golden Mini" [/b] [b]Description:[/b] [I]Unique Sparrow Design allows this to semi-fly in the air for longer periods of time...[/I] Speed: 20 Durability: 150 Perks: OverDrive, Strafe, OverDrive, and Flight Other Perks: Press A while holding overdrive down to gain a momentarily lift into the air for 30 seconds. Does not blow up. Stability: Stable What do you all think, should these be nightfall/raid sparrows or what?

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