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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
3/12/2015 9:58:55 AM

Bladedancers, Strikers and Sunsingers related to the Deathly Hallows?

I have noticed that the 3 classes have 1 subclass that is related to the 3 Deathly Hallows from Harry Potter. For those who dont know them; . Let's get started now. The Hunters own the Invisibility Cloak and have given it to their Bladedancers giving them the ability to become invisible, the Titans own the Elder Wand and have given it to their Strikers giving then untold strength and the Warloclks own the resurrection stone and have given it to their Sunsingers giving them the power to resurrect. Well there you have it, just wanted to get this out there, I'm not a fan of Harry Potter, i just noticed this while watching it on TV the other night coz nothing else was on.

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