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Изменено (LecomingBegend): 6/24/2015 12:04:04 PM

NMS Compilation

[b]Platforms (Confirmed):[/b] PS4 & Steam Release date: 2015 (Rumored 3rd Quarter [July-September]) [b]Rumored Platforms:[/b] Xbox 1 [Phil Spencer has said a few times that he wants to get No Man's Sky on the Xbox 1] [b]Official Sources:[/b] No Man's Sky website Hello Games (No Man's Sky devs) YouTube Channel [b]Twitter Pages:[/b] No Man's Sky Hello Games [b]Audio:[/b] GameInformer's No Man's Sky podcast [b]Videos:[/b] Sean Murray shows the technical side behind no man's sky 65 days of static create Procedural generated music for no man's sky (Article on the procedural soundtrack) All trailers (5 so far) 70 questions with Sean Murray about No man's sky [i]If you don't want to watch[/i] [spoiler]Is the game world infinite? Yes Are there planets the size of Earth? Yes Can I rename Earth something better? No Is Earth in this game? No Can I teleport back to my ship? No Have you found a planet that you'd prefer to live on besides Earth? No Can you collect plants? No, you can discover plants. Is there a "fog of war" on your map? Yes Will I have an objective marker? You will have many Will you be able to play with your friends? Yes Is there a competitive element? Yes, "if you want that" Can you grief other players? Yes, "a little bit" Will there be NPCs? No If I want to buy something, do I have to go to a store? Yes Can I chop down a tree? Yes Can you select a gender at the beginning of the game? No Can you customize the look of your character? Yes, "sort of" Do you ever get a good look at your character? You can see other characters and they can see you Can I build shelters? No Can I plant a flag on a planet? Yes, "Sort of" Can I design that flag? No Do different planets have different gravity? No, your suit compensates for that Can you ride a dinosaur? No Do the animals eat each other? Yes Can you take pictures of the animals? Yes Can you terraform a planet? "Let's say no" Can you swim underwater? Yes Can you accidentally destroy a planet? No Can you intentionally destroy a planet? Yes, "A little bit" Can you be a pacifist? Yes, but you will still be attacked Are there forms of life that are beyond "normal" comprehension? Yes, "I'd like to think so" Can you just live in space? Yes Are there some planets that are too inhospitable for life? Yes Are there health bars in this game? Yes Do the corners of the screen get all bloody when you take damage in this game? No If I keep flying in one direction, will I hit the edge of the galaxy? No, "you can go into the darkness for as long as you want to" Can you customize your ship? No, "you have to find the ship that you like" Can you have more than one ship? No Can you build a space station? No Will there be DLC? No Can you land on a comet? Yes Can you build a robot, like in the movie Interstellar? No Are there black holes? Yes[/spoiler] [b]No Man's Sky News Channels:[/b] Cobra TV's YouTube Channel (All things No Man's Sky) [b]Articles and Written Facts[/b] GameInformer's No Man's Sky hub (Lots of info here) [b](Best for newcomers) Reddit's FAQs and Info:[/b] [i]Most of this info was compiled by [url=]Tic Tic Toe[/url], however I added and changed a few things. Obviously I got this user's permission first.[/i] [b]Update:[/b] New gameplay was shown at E3 2015 in the Sony Press Conference. NMS is coming to Steam!

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