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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
впервые опубликовано в:DoD Beyond
3/4/2015 2:12:23 PM

Dragon Con

Hey guys so as I'm sitting here pondering about the intricacies of life and mysteries of the world. And by all that I mean looking at Destiny related everything. I thought to myself. Hmm I'm going to Dragon Con this year. I wonder if anyone else is going. I know a lot of people come from all over the place to experience it. So I'm wondering if any DoD personnel is coming through. Specially if you're in the southeast. If you are we should definitely link up. That way you may save some time and money instead of staying in a hotel etc. Anyways I know is kind of out there and some people may not feel comfortable but either way I'm putting it out there.

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