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1/27/2015 5:39:54 PM

Seven Kingdoms(PSN Clan) Recruiting new members

This clan is about the people who join, not about the numbers. Looking for players that are willing to help anyone at any time on Raids, weekly, nightfall, and daily missions. Pledge yourself to the Seven Kingdoms. "I will not pay mind to the words of those whom have never donned the armor, never stepped foot into the arena, never held in their thoughts … ‘my life for yours’ … when they criticize and condemn those who actually have. It is I who give myself to the noble cause with unwavering dedication. It is I who enters the battles with no hesitation nor reservation. It is I who wears the scars on my body … and in my soul … inflicted by the evils … because I dared. It is I who has sweat on my face and the taste of dirt in my mouth because I was willing to give my life for another. No – I will not allow the words from the unwilling … drain me of my will. For I Am A Seven Kingdoms Warrior”

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