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Изменено (icebrutality): 2/13/2015 9:36:20 PM

Characters from PS4 to PS3

I just want to know if anyone has any info on transferring characters from PS4 to PS3. I am planning on getting rid of the PS4 and PS+ is ridiculous and stupid and don't want to pay monthly for something I get for free on PC. The dilemma is that I want to keep playing Destiny and have a PS3, I want to know if my characters transfer from PS4 to PS3, I know Bungie stated that they can travel with you from console to console but I just wanted to make sure before I pick up a PS3 copy of the game. Of course this wouldn't be a problem if they just released the game on the superior platform of the PC, but I guess all the hard work on the disc locked content would be discovered too early from the PC crowd to justify the risk of a PC port.

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