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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
5/18/2024 3:36:49 AM

Enemy stomps and Teleporting is getting out of hand

Seems like with every update the enemy stomp just seems to kick you back further or just straight insta kill you on the spot. It has come to its absolute PEAK in Onslaught. Even a baby ogre ground stomp can send you halfway across the friggin world now. Got an ogre or a Brigg standing on a mine? Well even if you suspend or freeze them, their stomp AoE persists and can kill you despite them being frozen or string up. Now I'm getting 1hk in Gambit by trash mob enemy stomps too? What the heck is going on? One more thing. It's 2024, can we stop with the enemies teleporting everywhere? It seems to keep getting worse with each update. Once again, PEAK annoyance in Onslaught. So much enemies just appearing out of nowhere. It's literally run killers in the Legend mode through no fault of the player because you feel the need to spawn like 8 flipping ogres in a tiny little area only to auto teleport them to the ADU. Rant over.

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  • 작성자: Obi-Juan 5/20/2024 3:27:12 AM
    This is where invis shines. They don't stomp or notice you if you're invis before you go near them. You don't NEED to capture it before killing them though. If you feel like you do, you might want to consider a loadout change (find a primary that is good for dealing with them if you run out of other ammo, like malfeasance or outbreak) You should have 2 people focusing the enemy until he's dead and 1 person should keep an eye on the ADU for enemies and also helping you out if he can. Then someone captures it. Meanwhile 1 other player goes for the other capture point enemy and once the previous point is captured they come help

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  • stomps are not a problem, but teleporting wich is only present Onslaugh is so bad

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  • The overload transporting is a bit much in Onslaught.

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  • But repairing was the problem. Cheese spots in the boss room were the problem. Not the things actively making the game feel worse.

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  • 👆This👆 Been running 10s (normal mode) and the odd 20-run bounty - one of which extended to a 50-round completion…and since the update re the Brave Seal requirement has been changed from 10 Triumphs to 9 Triumphs, the ‘normal’ 10s are definitely not the same as before!? 🧐 Besides the teleporting hoards directly onto the ADU / platform, the super-tanky ohk hoards are more akin to Legend level enemies! At least, that’s how it seems to me. 🙄 I’m chasing 1x boss to complete the triumph - the Tormentor, but it’s getting beyond ridiculous now. I’ve got enough decent Brave weapons to not be bothered by chasing S-tier versions … so that ain’t why I continue playing Onslaught. I will do the Outbreak quest shortly, and once done, I’m done…Brave Seal sorted. ✅ It’s the ridiculous and very obvious ‘gating’ that ruins the Onslaught mode for me. I quite enjoy doing the 10s (Normal)…and chasing the S-tier guns…but, since the dial’s been turned up a few notches to Legend mode or something close, it just ain’t fun anymore! ❌🫤❌ Or, it could be just me and my teammates? 😵‍💫 Nah! 👈 The number of times we’ve been overwhelmed on a 10-run Normal mode is unreal…since the update! Something ain’t right…🧐 BHQ: SNAFU 🤡 cue: <crickets> 🙄 Note to Self: Ease springs! 🫡

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    1 답변
    • Who plays Gambit anymore? Honestly, though, I do agree. The stomps are just straight annoying at this point. Why did they feel the need to add fire to the stomps?

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      3 답변
      • Taken Phalanx shield blast. 🤬that nonsense.

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        다른 사용자들을 존중해주세요. 게시물을 제출하기 전에 한 숨 돌리고 운영 정책을 검토하세요. 취소 수정 화력팀 생성하기 게시

        5 답변
        • It sure is.

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