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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
7/16/2019 7:05:51 PM

How things are being handled right now is this the future of Destiny or what we can kind of expect when Shadow keep drops?

[quote]Sorry you aren't enjoying the Tribute Hall. One of our goals here was to provide players who had a lot of resources with something cool to spend them on. We also wanted to make sure players who weren't swimming around in a Scrooge McDuck vault of materials could do some bounties to bring the cost down.[/quote] I have noticed a lot of changes have taken place and it's not for the player base benefit and when Cozmo said this it can be easily taken a few different ways on this forum. Opinions are strong on here, to say the least. I got a question that I feel Bungie can't answer. Does Bungie really know what a meaningful experience means when it comes to a persons time spent in this game? IMO before y2 came about we asked Bungie to provide a more meaningful experience because everything was being handed out like candy. Since then a lot of things went the complete opposite, the cost for certain items was jacked up, resources have been majorly reduced so it's a lot harder to collect certain items, things like the Matrix was removed, factions removed for over a year and no work about them at all. The grind for quests has been way overdone like getting 1500 grenade final blows, etc... [spoiler]The list goes on, but what I'm having a hard time understanding is how Bungie can call their recent actions a meaningful experience. In spite of what anyone thinks about me, this isn't about me, it's about the state of the game and where it seems to be heading that IMO is not a benefit to the player base and I'd like to see that changed for the better. Bungie? D1 is a prime example that kind of using focused play is not needed in this game to keep gamers around. When I look at things like this, it's not a good sign and I don't think you can say it is either.[/spoiler] Do you want to know what kept a lot of gamers playing D1? It was how the-game content was structured throughout the entire game and that is a fact. It was evened out between activities that gave that incentive to want to run certain activities because there was something for everyone in spite who thinks who is a "hardcore game or casual". A suggestion could be... [spoiler]Make the vendors useful like D1 and update them on regular basses as you did in D1 Bring back factions and leave them in the game Exotics should drop in all activities and more often with the exception of a quest Make the material more useful like D1 that not a lot stacking took place as much as D2 because we could trade, purchase items from Xur, etc... Stop overpricing items to try to force gamers to spend their material because of stacking Please stop with the overdone duplicates and create actual random rolls. It's the reason so many people ran activities like exploiting the chest in Menagerie because they were looking for that good roll. When collecting the rewards from public events and only getting 3 of whatever material and glimmer is not rewarding. Increase the amount of material, legendary engrams and add other rewards. The Gunsmith inventory can be increased by allowing us to be able to purchase all the mods in this game[/spoiler] There are a lot of things you have done with D1 Bungie that is not applied to D2 and if it was, I'm sure things like only 3% of people running raids would increase. Hell, the player base would increase if you started to actually look at what is a meaningful experience.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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