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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
TheShadow-caliにより編集済み: 7/19/2019 9:44:06 PM

Hardcore vs Casual, Is Bungie holding this game back knowing it can have more of a balance?

There are some that think Destiny is being created more for hardcore gamers and there is no changing their mind about. Nothing wrong with that, it's their opinion. Personally, I believe how things have been handled have to do more with trying to get players time spent in certain activities. The reason I say this is because most everything in this Destiny is not really a challenge, it's just extended grind time using bounties/quest and RNG with low drop rates with certain achievements. IMO the game is being held back knowing how easy it is to cater to both Casual/hardcore even though some think it's not. This is just a small list of things that can benefit both groups and I can make a Huge list that it wouldn't be that hard for Bungie to do to have more of a balance between both groups. It's just a matter of how willing Bungie is to put in that effort. [spoiler]Edit: Bungie can start the balance by adding a normal mode to all raids as D2 should have had when it released Crucible needs new maps that are 6v6 maps. 4v4 is 75% of the issue with PvP. Stop with the overdone mindless grind when it comes to quests just to get their quota for a players time spent in this game. Look for a happy medium, they have had 12 years of working on destiny to figure this out. Stop with the Obsession they have with exotic hand cannons because exotics themselves are not even close to being balanced when creating exotics. Update vendors giving them an inventory and not just use them as a bounty placeholder. Bring back factions because it doesn't take any company in this entire world over a year to figure out what to do with something so small. Update Blind Well giving it specific loot Update strikes giving it specific loot. Update EP making it relevant Add optional matchmaking to the Nightfall[/spoiler] Bungie, how about adding things that can benefit both groups like a normal raid mode like D1 had so it give more options for the player base to learn the raids, you can even add a 3rd mode making them more of a challenge for those that say they are a hardcore gamer. You have options and plenty of them, to say the least. Edit: Thank you for those that were respectful and had an open mind about the topic. Actually, a lot of you were, It's nice to see there are people that can look at the overall and have a decent conversation on this forum in spite of who agrees or disagrees 👍 People are allowed to have a different opinion, there is nothing wrong with that, what matters is how one presents themselves that will determine where any conversation will head.



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  • Well, interesting post I haven’t been on the forums in awhile but have played pretty much everything Destiny has to offer... and do understand your comment... however Destiny had a bunch of activities and I think have tried to allow you to get what reward you want / need. ( recent Menagerie/Chalice selections ). In D1, POE/COE we could select Weapons / Armor as a reward which was helpful.. overall after playing everything in D2 I have everything I want except the Pinnacle weapons that I just can’t force myself to grind out to get.. Normal level stuff is usually doable (Wisper/Zero Hour/etc.), Heroic time versions are just irritating pains in the butt and nearly impossible unless you have a perfect run with an decent team. Most of the raids are challenging enough to the point where people don’t consider them fun and don’t want to spend the time doing them... Especially heroic versions - people just don’t like D2 raid environments as much and just turn off after a shorter period of time. Some D2 raids are better than others - I personally hate the Styling of any Lev. based raid - it’s just not Destiny to me... but still play them occasionally - just not as we did in D1. In my mind it’s not about making things more challenging (feel free to ramp up difficulty on NFs via your card - which was a great invention), instead it’s is about enabling more players to enjoy playing the game. Without players the game dies so we need more inclusive content. Short timed, near impossible missions suck and are really challenging, especially on things like the heroic Zero Hour Allow level selection on raids / strikes / NF / ... So glad the bad juju mission wasn’t timed... Shatters Throne was a great adventure... In raids, the more mechanics required, the fewer people are going to play it.. Hope they go back to the focus on fun and enjoyment, core Destiny PVE activities, this is what builds a gaming community... There’s enough PVP garbage games available.



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  • [quote]Bungie can start the balance by adding a normal mode to all raids as D2 should have had when it released[/quote] Isn't every raid a normal mode raid from default? Not sarcasm, just asking. If anything I thought people would be asking for hard/prestige mode to come back.



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    4 通の返信
    • Personally I don't mind the grind I have mental health issues, a good farming sessions helps me relax. Things like raids are not something for me I have trouble interacting with people especially one I don't know, but that's one me not bungie. I still enjoy playing destiny, the argument between so called hardcore and casual games is getting a bit out of hand. We are all games that play the same game to put certain people on different sides is silly. Just keep playing the game the way you like and enjoy yourself no matter how many hours you put in or what your favourite parts of the game are. Show your fellow gaurdians some love it never cost anything to be kind. You never know what someone else has been though. So just be kind <3



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      2 通の返信
      • This game is not hardcore, its not that grindy, its pretty easy generally speaking. No. They arent holding the game back. Theyve done a perfectly fine job trying to acommodate both parties. E.g. Menagarie and Heroic Menagarie (loot bug aside) is an activity for both types of players. Dungeons tooo, more of those would be nice and they are indeed coming.



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        1 返信
        • Eh, taking a nice break once I get my shirt and finish the Iron Banner quest. Been taking my time with it. I just need 3 more forges and I'll have 15 triumphs. Gonna wait and see how Shadowkeep plans to advance Destiny before I devote tons more time. No reason to do PvE at this point. Raids are only useful for game breaking mods and a scarce chance at 3 exotics. Only two of which are somewhat impressive and actually useful. Not worth the time. They had it right when raid exotics had quests associated with them. Looking at Malice, Outbreak, and Acrius. PvP pinnacles? Got them except the sniper and NF. The sniper is just bad and I don't sweat that hard for weapons that get senseless nerfs applied to them. Can't wait to see Recluse bite the bullet next. Gambit? I pray Shadowkeep deletes that entire mode. The only good thing Drifter's Gambit gave us was Breakneck. Destiny is in such a weird spot right now. I'm excited yet also somewhat disappointed still. Maybe I'm just outgrowing it. I dunno.



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        • its a carrot and stick thing. Its meant to suck in EVERYONEm, casual or hardcore, its MEANT to keep them around, to make the game their habbit, their hobby, something theyll pour money into reguardless. But, the terrrrrrible RNG and requirements are geared towards streamers/hardcores, but its unjustified because the loot pool is a JOKE. There's no MEDIUM. Its either you DO or you DO NOT have quality gear.



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          3 通の返信
          • While I agree that the game isn't necessarily made for either end of the spectrum of players. I'm convinced, this is the game that bungi wants; to cater to those who play the game habitually no matter how much they play a week. At this point you either are having fun and feel like spending your free time in the game or you spend less time than all of your free time playing it, while making time for other games/important things.



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            3 通の返信
            • There's nothing hardcore about this game. Only things that come close are Calus Tributes and Titles. Everything else is RNG and balancing for PvP.



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              1 返信
              • Asylumにより編集済み: 7/18/2019 11:30:32 PM
                Bungies biggest fail with balancing is 1) no seperation between PvP and PvE, in any aspect. Guns, Gear, perks, supers, nothing is seperate between the 2. The same perk should be seperate in PvP and PvE. But theyre not. Say Rampage (picking at random because its the same with every perk/weapon/gear) is OP in PvE and ok in PvP. If it gets nerfed to balance it in PvE to make it just viable it destroys it in PvP making it unusable and worthless. Thats why its impossible to balance guns/perks/gear and what forces metas. 2) no dedicated servers and no region lock, especially in PvP. It kills this game. Battlefield has done it for years, yet devs like bungie and activision think its an inpossible task because theyre greedy and money hungry. Without those 2 things this game will never be balanced. It will always stay messed up in every area and the devs will never accomplish anything



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                4 通の返信
                • I wish there was more for the hardcore player in this game. Right now its just self imposed challenges like 3 man heroic menagerie (which I did and it wasnt even that hard) soloing riven flawless solo shattered throne etc. The actual activities in the game with rewards and stuff need to be harder. The problem with that is then the casuals will complain about being locked out of content, but I wish people would just accept that they won’t get everything in the game



                  マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

                • I agree with a lot of what you're saying, though I'm not sure about a 'normal' mode raid. The raids really aren't that hard and I don't say that as some type of brag. Usually it's just a case of keeping in mind a couple of mechanics at the same time as killing adds. If we stripped them down more it would really just be glorified strikes, which we already have. The most difficult part is probably getting groups but a quick 2 min google search would come up with loads of gaming communities that do sherpa runs all the time. I get what you mean about forcing players into modes with quests. I'm not totally against that as I get that there has to be something to do to unlock stuff, however it becomes a problem when those activites are with other players because then you have people playing one activity but for different reasons. Just look at the strike playlist mess with wendigo this season - players were forced into stikes to grind it but what really happened was players would load in and wander off farming, while anyone that was there for the strike was getting annoyed soling it. Same with gambit and the hush bow. There's a reason bows aren't meta, but here's a competitve mode where players are encourged to farm bow kills. I played a lot of gambit over the last few days to farm the meatball and most matches had a least 1 player using a bow and that's not good for the team. They kill adds slower and often those players were clearly not bothered about the objectives. I do think there's other things they can do, like have modified pvp modes. Have your sweaty <1 sec ttk modes and other modes where the rules are modified a bit, maybe guardian hp is 200% or something. They've said they are going to do a lot more with strikes next season so hopefully we'll see something there. I loved D1 strikes and would happily spam a few hours here and there on them. D2 strikes just aren't on the same level (yet).



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                  1 返信
                  • They seem to like the term hard core but don’t want to make the game hardcore. It always seems to come back to boss battles. The final battle with cabal bane was pretty disappointing. I mean he was strong enough to take out the whole fleet, but by the end, he was taken down pretty easily by 1 guardian? Plus with strike/ raid bosses just being larger versions of regular enemies but more bullet spongy , seems lazy . Assassination missions in warframe have better boss battles than d1 and d2 lol



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                  • Crown raid I am not raiding as much as I used to But it’s only dropped me chests and gauntlets every time Auto rifle every time No helmet no boots no class item but here are 6 gauntlets and 6 chests and 4 auto rifles no scout etc.... Yeah rng but they could make it better but they won’t which is making so many quit leave to other games



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                  • I agree, the only thing challenging about this game is staying un the crucible long enough to get to fabled



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                  • [quote]Update strikes giving it specific loot.[/quote] This phrase is key for me because the osprey is holding me back from the wayfarer title. It wouldn't be such a mind numbing grind if I could do it in the normal strike playlist.



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                    1 返信
                    • Exactly what they do with Competitive. Reset points every season and a cap on 5500 point so only a select amount of hardcore pvp players and cheaters can get the guns. It messes up the competitive ranking and fair matchmaking. The new way of the Revoker is way better. They should do this for all the pinnacle competitive weapons in my opinion. The fact that it is so sweaty in crucible nowadays is just because casual players gave up on Luna, Recluse and Not Forgotten. Hopefully the Revoker quest is the changing point on future quests on pinnacle crucible weapons. I do still hope they change this for the older guns too even though I have most of them. But for a better and more fun experience in crucible for everybody I really hope they do.



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                      1 返信
                      • It blows my damn mind at how many people don't know what the hell hardcore & casual actually means. The only difference is timed played not skill. I know plenty of people who play this game casually that wipe the floor with hardcore players.



                        マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

                      • No response from bungie. I swear, I've seen some good thoughtful posts from the allfather, but bungie doesnt seem to notice. Who could not notice the allfather with all his wisdom?



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                        1 返信
                        • Streamers/Youtubers advertise the game, bungie will always cater to them more. Unfortunately for casuals streamers are hard-core so content will be more grindy.



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                          23 通の返信
                          • As a casual i feel so stressed when playing because there are alot of stuff that i have to get which will take a lot of time I feel so overwhelmed and shut the game down lol.



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                            1 返信
                            • As a solo player in D2 (D1 is a different story) I don't raid anymore. Never done any of them, mainly do Forges an strikes an Nightfalls . The occasional b.s quest or grind. Meh



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                            • Bungie is fairly obviously struggling with all the different types of content it offers. Which is evident by all the small things they do to entice players into playing all the different modes. "Come do some strikes for Powerful Gear" "Lets grind some Gambit for Powerful Gear/Exotic quests" "Please play PvP? Anyone? No? HA -blam!- YOU EXOTIC QUESTS ARE NOW ALL REQUIRING PVP" At the moment they have: Patrol Zones (With, Patrols, Public Events, Bounties and Adventures) Heroic Adventures Strikes Nightfall Strikes Forges Escalation Protocol Blind Well Menagerie Raids Gambit Crucible All as ways to get "Powerful Gear" as well as split the playerbase thinner and thinner across them all. Even more so when some of this stuff has no matchmaking, so people have to AFK while they use the Companion App to find teams to tackle some of this stuff. THEN they also further fracture the playerbase by having innane Pinnacle quests that cause people to find ways to cheese stuff (I.e. Cheesing Wendigo by just doing Blind Well instead of The Corrupted strike. Doing whatever FotM cheese to get Recluse/Mountaintop etc) Ironically, with trying to get people to play all these different types of content, they actually cater more towards casuals than hardcores. If we take the definitions as Casual Gamer being people who play intermitently while Hardcore Gamers play a lot. Basically, the most efficient way to get rewards is... Log in once a day, do all your daily Powerful Gear rewards from the different content and then log out. A very much casual way of progression. The exceptions are things like running Menagerie over and over (If you have enough Runes) as well as maybe some of the massive grinds for Pinnacle and Exotic quests. So, really, if you want to start catering towards both types of players, you can do things like change the way that rewards are given. So its less about "Play all these different things once per day" and more "Go do stuff you find fun and loot will drop" As well as consolidating down some of the activities that are similar. Such as how it's pointless having Heroic Adventures playlist after your light is high enough for the Heroic Strikes. Also, similar with what's the point in Heroic Strikes, once Nightfall Strikes are available (Other than currently, matchmaking existing for only one due to... Reasons?). You could literally just consolidate the Vanguard section into Adventures/Strikes/Nightfall based on Light level, and give increasing rewards for each type of content (To prevent cheesing low Light Level to do easier Adventures for loot) Raids could also become more accessible through simpler matchmaking versions, while the tougher versions could still require pre-made teams but give more loot. (Sort of like how Menagerie works) Gambit could be deleted and there would be much rejoicing.



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                              3 通の返信
                              • Bungie just wants as many no lifers as possible, their not even concerned about big numbers on end game raids etc, they just want those hours played padded as much as possible. Hence why all that bull about armour 2.0 has just turned into yet another armour reset with eververse turned into ornaments.



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                                4 通の返信
                                • This game is a job, catered to elitist neckbeards. The non-stop grinding with little to no reward is ridiculous.



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                                  5 通の返信
                                  • PAPASITO 30により編集済み: 7/19/2019 12:08:45 AM
                                    One thing I agree with you on. Since D2 came out less and less people have been running raids. You can check Destiny tracker. I remember back in the day almost everyone on my friend list would be have at least completed normal raids Vault of Glass, Crota, and King's Fall raid. You could just see it by the gear they had and emblems. I think out of everyone on my friends list now, maybe only 5 out of maybe 50 players completed any raids in Destiny 2. I agree that adding a normal raid mode would help players. And have a second mode called Mythic that benefits the hardcore, have Mythic raid drop better or more loot. That is one thing that turned me off from doing raids in D2. I just don't have the time to sit there and wipe for 4 hours straight till everyone learns the raid. Vault of Glass was a good example of how raids should be done minus the glitches and exploits. most of that raid relied on gun skill and let certain great players shine. Let the people who are really good carry the team, and didn't require every single person to know all the encounters. And all this stuff about symbols and things like that, it confuses people. Many people can't even talk on a mic. Some people have children and wives outside of the game. These people still want to get end game loot like 1k voices or Anarchy. The other thing is Nightfalls? What is the point of them? I know back in Destiny 1 it was a way to get exotic drops. Now I just don't understand what is the reason to do Nightfalls, they don't increase your exotic drop rates as far as I know. And the scoring thing seems kind of pointless to me. I stopped running nightfalls since they became just strike with modifiers.



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                                    2 通の返信
                                    • It is designed as such because it is a monetary business design. It is easier to work off what could entice sales than it is to create content. D1 had that passion project feel... D2 has that we pieced together what people liked and put it in packages to sell. I am not saying this negatively or taking away the hard work that has been put into what we have... But when the majority of the rewarding content is from d1 like mida, last word, thorn, armor etc... that is the very thing activision has done to its consumer base for years. Re-sell We get the great pieces to chase after things, but the focus was to sell said things rather then really dig in and offer something cohesive. D2 is very bipolar as of now. The raids are very team dependent for a huge base. Some call this “hardcore”.. but it puts off many teams due to the poor rng and time invested with the added pressure of not wanting to be the one to cause a wipe. Pvp is being controlled by tryhards, skilled, and cheating players... like comp.. full of account recoveries due to needing to hop on a lower level account to help lower level players that can not create teams, deal with comp, or have low skill. Pve is odd because its core design is the exact same game of year one. Same strikes that are easy as can be, self dictated nightfalls of the same strikes, dungeons that are amazing but become useless once you are done with them, and a way out of wack economy that bungie is trying to fix by giving us things to drain our hoarding from the earlier poor designs. The average player mentality then also ruins a bunch of ideas.. Like factions... bungie tried to make factions mean something.. but the majority of players just joined all 3 factions with three characters or swapped factions each time an event came around... then why have them if players are not dedicated? That’s on us, not bungie.. Hardcore, casual, noobs... means nothing. They are so lose in meaning and varying to who you ask that they are labels with no solid ground to most players. The point is, the surroundings dictate the environment. The game had issues all around as well as the players.... but if the game becomes cohesive, balanced (to s point), and constantly fun, new, and rewarding... it will be just that.



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