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2/5/2018 8:24:18 PM

Gotta agree with Houndish here, Bungie. Please take the opportunity.

I've been supportive of D2. Meaning, I submitted lots of constructive criticism, refused to kick Bungie while they're down, submitted all the feedback I could. I really loved Destiny, and I'm really cheering for you guys to get D2 corrected. My hope is that you'll take this opportunity and make D2 match and surpass D1. Make D2 the Destiny game your fans really want. But, I have to agree with Houndish's video. The next few updates, and expansion 2 are really huge! This is make or break. Drop, or get off the pot. Come on, Bungie.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • The problem is they're taking a FAR too safe approach. I have always said since the game launched that they need to show an utter willingness to literally BREAK PVP if necessary to try to bring back the fun. Masterwork weapons and armor is the exact OPPOSITE of the kind of approach they need to take. Its too safe. Not enough benefit in trying to get them for most players to have the incentive to try to get them. They're just normal weapons with minor bonuses that are designed to NOT break PVP balance, when what they need to do is introduce weapons that WILL break PVP balance and make us feel a LOT more powerful in PVE. The consequence of doing this is that it'll break the stagnate teamshot meta in PVP which will be a step in the right direction towards actually "fixing" crucible. The fact that these sandbox updates are rolling out so slowly and that they're not taking the time to basically buff EVERYTHING tells me that they're still interested in trying to preserve the balance they've created. When balance is actually what is killing the game in BOTH modes.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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